Altar Servers: Children who have made their First Communion. Training will be provided.
Wally Gubuan – 416-267-3900

Altar Society: Responsible for the cleaning of the altar, sacristy and the altar linens. Time commitment is once a month.
Darlene Barron – 416-264-6407

Adult Choir: Sing at the 11 am mass Sundays. Your commitment would be to stay for a short practice following the mass twice a month and a week’s night practice once a month.
Alice Warford – 416-453-3965

Children’s Liturgy: During the Sunday 11 am mass. Children have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and have it explained to them in a language they can understand.
Lilia Anne San Juan – 416-262-0953

Catholic Women’s League: The Catholic Women’s League is an organization open to women 16 years and older. It is an organization built on prayer, service and advocacy. Meeting are held once a month on Sunday after the 9 am mass. Last approximately an hour.
Alice Warford – 416-453-3965

Finance Committee: An advisory committee to the Pastor in regards to funds and repairs.
Fr. Charles Collins – 416-691-6968

Lectors: We are always looking for people to proclaim the word of God. Training will be provided
Laurie Llarenas - 416-265-3243

Legion of Mary: the Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of the lay apostolate, in which Catholic men, women and youth sanctify themselves through prayer and apostolic work in union with Our Lady under the guidance of a priest.
Wally Gubuan - 416-267-3900

Ministers of Hospitality and Ushers: Provide information and welcome to visitors and parishioners.
Darlene or Barbara Barron 416-264-6407

Parish Council: Anyone interested in the direction the parish is going is encouraged to join. Meetings would be once a month.
Fr. Charles Collins – 416-691-6968

R.C.I.A.: Anyone interested in becoming a Catholic needs to be enrolled in the R.C.I.A program. Length of the program varies.
Alice Warford – 416-453-3965

Sacramental Preparation: This program is for children who wish to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion or Confirmation. Registration is in January.
Alice Warford – 416-453-3965

St. Vincent de Paul: This organization works with the poor and disadvantages of our community. For more information contact
Madette Galapin – 647-428-2880